Thursday, January 15, 2015

the kids are more than alright...

just a few days after completing the previous entry of this epic story, i snapped the following picture. little did i know it was simply the beginning of a princess phase that may or may not last for the next 2-to-80+ years.

who among you wouldn't storm a castle for this face?

it was an amazing summer including a whole month at aunt sussie's lake house where Z swam every day...

parker took up paddle boarding, solidifying his new-found bravado in the water...

family canoe trips were the norm...

(or we did it once. i don't recall)

and nothing says "we don't have anything we have to do today" like a family bike ride...

look! it's all of us! in a photo!
a seemingly avoidable rarity.

but what's a heavenly place like the lake house without a few best friends to make it even heavenlyer...

clockwise from left:
parker, deb, doni, amir, david, eliza, margaret, ellen, baby Z, maya, & eli.
not pictured:
me (operating the camera thingy) & max (sleeping or sitting behind margaret. not sure.)

then there was this specialist of special moments that i just couldn't leave out...

parker and maya

the only question with a summer like this was how to finish it on an even higher note. fortunately, uncle ed provided the perfect answer: an unforgettable week-long rafting trip through the grand canyon with the helms', the thomas's (minus ellen and our little ones unfortunately), and the newest branch to the family - the wildly entertaining bastian clan.

day 1
the last time we'd be dry for a week.

if i had a job...

i would have been...

at my desk.

little did we know* at the time, but later that year, ed would ask the lovely sarah bastian to marry him and she would say yes.
(*we all sort of knew.)

congratulations and thank you.

back in the "real" world, parker's love of all-things-lego continues unabated and routinely hits new heights of creativity including his unassisted use of shifters as windshield wipers.

instructions are helpful but creativity is limitless.

in september, parker started his third year at "the family school", Z started her first,

and charlotte started getting team-walked on a regular basis...

if you think it's hard getting two kids to smile for 
the camera at the same time, try two kids and a dog.

of course, no span of time is too short between visits from the splendiferous aunt pam whose bravery under this clearly vicious attack by two adoring toddlers is commendable indeed.

throw in the frequent, welcome and irreplaceable presence of aunt sussie and uncle alan and you've got two very fortunate children indeed.

happy birthday to alan,
and many more.

next up: halloween.
what did Z dress up as, you ask, as if there was an even CLOSE second choice?

and who, pray tell, would arrest such a fair princess?
why, the incorruptible officer parker delgado havlan of course.

having a genuine statue of balzac in your living
room calls for the very highest levels of security.

since we got into the habit of taking nice pictures of all of us together...

try to ignore the photo-bombing pigeon.
just try.

and just for good measure, here's parker d. with his best friend, lucas. 
like peas in a pod, these two.

new york city isn't of much use if you don't use it, and thanks to mommy we do just that: plays, playgrounds, playdates, camp, classes, the zoo, the other zoo, and museums museums museums!
in fact...

we never MET a museum we didn't like.
(yeah, i said it!)

a lovely thanksgiving found us at sus and alan's with the boston helms's, and the year wrapped up with the fifth annual...

south of the border christmas!
this year was in akumal, mexico.

our week featured all the usual activities that go hand-in-hand with such an outing, including...

beach time

pool time

play time

art time 

girl time

boy time

uncle time

and toy time.

there was almost every kind of time, but there was no time like the time baby Z pushed everyone in the pool...


and then, out of nowhere, just like that...

somebody turned 5
happy birthday, little man.

so, what's mommy up to?
working as hard as ever to make sure a particularly lucky school full of students eat fresh, local, sustainable food. 
she's also seeing friends and family (whenever possible), making it to an impressive number of broadway plays, and nurturing her love of music with the welcome accompaniment of aunt sus...

performing at the jalopy theater in brooklyn.

what's daddy up to now that he's presumably not up to anything?
excellent question.
he's (i'm) actually sort of busier than ever - getting the little ones geared up and out the door for our 7-block walk to school everyday, trying desperately to catch up on the life i didn't realize i was somewhat neglecting for these many years, and enthusiastically writing things i hope will one day be made public and perhaps even enjoyed by said public.
oh, and there's also my ongoing, friendly neighborhood poker game at which i enjoy many hours of side-splitting fun with great friends and every now and then i steal some of their money by hitting quad kings when two of them are unlucky enough to hit quad 4's and an aces boat.

(for them)

now then, about that song you've been waiting for. this time around i think we all know the lyrics, so i'll just let baby Z take it from here with a little help from aunt sussie. i give you...


'til next time...

Saturday, July 26, 2014

event full

first things first - happy 6th anniversary to my lovely wife, and parker and Z's consistently amazing mother, the one and only ellen thomas!

big hand, everybody!
(wild applause)
you may now take your seats.

now, where did we last leave off?
ah, yes!
just before christmas in mexico...

with cousin hana and cousin kobi and random, unnamed doll

it's become quite a tradition.
there were art projects...

fun in the pool with cousin kobi...

love at poolside with mommy...

family strolls on the yucatan beach...

 flat out glamour shots...

and if it's action you want, well how about our beloved patriarch, uncle alan, showing the not so gentle caribbean waves who's boss...

uncle parker acted as lifeguard/mischief maker

oh, you want even more action?
how about our discovery that Z was now able to free-climb el capitan, 
or more accurately...


and, of course, what's a trip to mexico without some zip-lining...

and cenote-jumping-into...

note the "no jumping" sign clearly posted on the railing
bad daddy!
bad daddy!

then it was home for parker's big number 4, with always special guest, aunt sussie...

he doesn't look a day over 4!

and maybe the best gift a 4-year-old boy could ever get, a brand new, genuine construction helmet courtesy of parker's amazing new friend, "chubby" (actual name) the world's nicest construction foreman...


time for a parker d and baby Z video ex-travaganza!
here's Z proving that sometimes even for a 2-year-old...

feat. charlotte

here's parker making the very best of...


here's Z showing off some early skills that will one day be the centerpiece of...


and here they are together travelin' in style...


in march, we headed to california where parker discovered what would become his west coast obsession: the thomas family's hand-crafted, easy-access, elevated lego table...


in may we headed south to visit the truly incomparable DC Helms's and to squeeze in some hob-nobbing with political icons...

2 great americans

as long as we're at it, may as well complete the "Z with creepy statues" series...

central park's giant psychedelic-song-inspiring "alice"

on june 29th, daddy turned 50 the best possible way he could think to do it... by jumping in a lake.

in july we headed to big basin redwoods state park for our first family camping trip which was thankfully planned and supervised by professional car-campers - the west coast thomases.

and i suppose it's worth mentioning that i was able to be present for a lot of these events because after 18 years of waking up every morning to go to a dream job, i wanted to see what it would be like to actually relax, so i left The Daily Show (with Jon Stewart). 

ask me about the experience someday when you've got 18 years to hear the answer.

a song?
in honor of big changes, how about green day's "good riddance (time of your life)".
dig it...

another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
so make the best of this test, and don't ask why
it's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
it's something unpredictable, but in the end is right,
i hope you had the time of your life

as long as green day brought it up, i have had the time of my life...
up to now of course.

'til next time.